Saturday 21 January 2012

Albert Wesker: The Demi-god of Video Games.

This is a sequel article regarding my first post.

The game Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has a lot of thing to offer: The Graphics is great; the combination of 3D and 2D is simply flawless. The background theme is so eargasmic; I even have the Albert Wesker theme in my iPod and I love to listen to it every time I am on my way to school. and lastly, the characters per se. There are some characters who made their comeback on Marvel's side (Examples are Spiderman, Wolverine, Doctor Doom, Iron Man, Captain America. etc.) and also on Capcom's side (Ex. Ryu, Chun-Li, Morrigan, Felicia, Akuma, Tron Bonne, etc). But the most interesting part of this game is there are some character, who made their debut, made my jaw drop for I didn't expected them to be part of the game but because of some remarks and reviews about these heroes (and villains), I tried some of them and I must say, they have their rights to join this game.

One of them is this dog.

(Her name... Is not Amaterasu. Just kidding!)

Amaterasu (or Ammy, according to Issun.) is one of the new comers in this game. She may be the only one who stands with four feet (not in height) but she is a quick and agile hero.Her attacks are quick and strong. Below is her trailer video

Other new comers are as follows: Chris Reidfield, who uses different firearms, Nathan "Rad" Spencer and his bionic arm, Super-Skrull, who is equipped with the four powers of Fantastic Four. The flint-locking and Sword wielding Dante from Devil May Cry series makes his debut. Some of the Marvel villains makes their debut as well, aside from Super-Skrull. Dormmamu uses dark magic for him to take advantage to his opponents, M.O.D.O.K. (Mental Organism Developed Only for Killing) "outsmarts" his enemies with his large head but small limbs.

These character made me amaze by this game. but there is this one particular character who does not need any god-like power, mutant ability, dark magics, even swords and guns. He made my jaw drop because He is using his bare hands just to defeat the enemies. He even share the ranks of the top villain in Marvel side Doctor Doom. He also made his fighting debut in this game and I must say, ever since I played this game, it's impossible to him not to be included in my team. He is the demi-god of this game and maybe in the video games realm. He is...



An Intelligent, Cunning, Manipulative, and to top that, a Genius he is, Albert Wesker is the main antagonist of the Resident Evil Series. He started as a support character helping out Lisa Trevor in the first Resident Evil. Because of some certain situation, He was "killed". He re-surfaced in the second installment and revealed that He survived by injecting an unusual type of virus called the Tyrant type virus. From there, he gained a lot of "benefits": super-strength, agility, improved regeneration, and a red cat-like eyes in which he garnered fame among players.

other informations can be found in this site.

Now, As I said earlier, there are some character who have their debut in this game made my jaw drop. and one of them is Albert Wesker. Though his only weapon is his handgun, the Samurai Edge, his hand-to-hand combat should not be underestimated. His martial arts skill is just his appetizer, for his agility and swift moves are one of the reasons I always use this Demi-God. 

Here is one of the fan-made video combos for Albert. This might give you a clue why I love this guy.

As what He said in his last Resident Evil appearance

"Seven minutes, Seven minutes is all I can spare to play with you."

but with this Article, I think it would only take a minute or two just to read this.

Goodbye for now.

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