Sunday 11 March 2012

A Hell Bound Game...

When classical literature and modern concept of Video games fused together, Many may like it, many may not, but this game is the only exception. This game made a new interpretation on Dante Allighieri's greatest masterpiece, Inferno.

The story surrounds on Dante, a templar crusader, whose out to descend the very depths of Hell for him to save his beloved Beatrice from the clutches of Lucifer. Armed with Death's scythe and a cross, He is out to punish or absolve the demons and some sinners in that eerie environment of hell.

As He goes to Lucifer, which is located at the very last circle of hell, he must surpass the 8 other circles of hell. Here as follows.

Here's the first circle, The Limbo, where Minos while judge you on where do you belong.

the second circle, Lust.

The third circle is Gluttony



Heresy, Violence, Fraud and lastly

Treachery, where Lucifer is here.

The graphics is awesome, the gameplay is great. and the sounds are epic. It really show you that you are now inside the very depths of Inferno.

But this game's too realistic, it always give me a lot of goosebumps.

Nevertheless. The game's got the balls for it to be played by the boys who got balls. and fortunately, I got one. 

Sunday 19 February 2012

Some games I am looking forward to...

My fingers are scratching for something. They can't wait to push some buttons in the control pad. For these games will be serving me fresh and hot as soon as I push that start button.

Soul Calibur V

Aside from the Marvel Vs. Capcom series, I have waited for this game's newest installation. This fighting/slashing game started out as "Soul Edge" or "Soul Blade" in Playstation and started out with only 10 characters, plus the unplayable evil spirit known as "Inferno". Since then, It was renamed Soul Calibur and started to include some new characters and some "special guest". In fact, Yoshimitsu, the sword-wielding warrior from Tekken series, made his debut in Soul Calibur. Other notable guests are Heihachi Mishima from Tekken, Yoda, Darth Vader and Vader's Apperantice from Star Wars, Spawn, Link from Zelda, and the latest addition: Ezio Auditore from Assassin's Creed.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Nobody gave me a fair warning that this game already hit the arcade stations. I mean, I was walking around trinoma and decided to look at Timezone to spend sometime watching those who are playing Marvel vs. Capcom 2 when I saw this: Paul Phoenix delivering a "bounce" attack then Martial Law enters to dish out some more moves and Paul Phoenix just hit his final blow. Finally, the latest installation of this prestigious fighting has finally unleashed. Showing more fierce and fatal combos like no other games can. I can wait to play this game. But because of low-budget, I can purchase Timezone and it's BanaPassport card. I guess I should wait for it to be release on the PS3. Overall, The graphics is great, the gameplay is brilliant.

So far these are the games I am dying to play.

Monday 6 February 2012

Tetris: then and now...

Before: This game was just played in a handheld console fashion. It was called Brick Game back then.

Now: Tetris has now invaded our consciousness. Through the social networking site Facebook, it hit the internet world by storm.

Before: The objective of the game is to manipulate these blocks by moving each one sideways and rotating it by 90 degree units, with the aim of creating a horizontal line of ten blocks without gaps. When such a line is created, it disappears, and any block above the deleted line will fall. When a certain number of lines are cleared, the game enters a new level. As the game progresses, each level causes the blocks to fall faster, and the game ends when the stack of blocks reach the top of the playing field and no new Tetriminos are able to enter. Some games also end after a finite number of levels or lines.

Now: aside from the same objectives as above, the unique thing about this new tetris is that you can play it with your friends or with some people who wanted to defeat you with this game. Being in a multiplayer set-up,  you can not just play mano y mano with one-on-one set up, but you can do it with three of your friends, four of your friends and even five of your friends!

Even I can't decide what to choose.

The classic one, or the New one.

how about you?

you choose.

Saturday 28 January 2012

Top 15 Video Game Villains. (and some special mentions)

A famous gaming website,, released a list of the greatest video game villains of all time.And if I said all times, it means that it includes the era of game boy, SNES, Playstation, Playstation 2 etc. Here's the full list of the greatest video game villains of all time.

And out of 100 (Whew! that's too many.) I decided to pick up 15 villains and put it on my list of video game villains. so let's start the ball rolling.

Number 15: Bowser

Appearance: Mario Bros. Series.

Every time Mario and Luigi would have a sequel of their ever famous Super Mario bros. adventure game or they would have some special games ( Mario Kart, Mario Golf etc.) or as long as Mario is existing, Bowser also exist. Originally called King Koopa (because the turtle henchmens of his are called...Koopa.) He has been Mario's thorn for 25 years, with an unending success of kidnapping the Princess (later called Princess Peach.) and an unending failure of defeating Mario at the end of the game. The weird part of this Giant turtle monstrosity is that, though he has not found his Queen Koopa, He has 7 childrens of his own. a mystery that no one has bothered to solve. With this. He is one my beloved villains ever.

Number 14: Team Rocket

Appearance: Pokemon Series

Forget Jessie and James and their beloved Meowth. This team rocket resembles a mean mafia whose trying to ruin everything. they dont have feelings, remorse, emotions whatsoever for they are doing it for the sake of the name team rocket. Also, they are the ones who can kill any other pokemons, showing to us how really remorseless they are.

Number 13: The Zombies

Appearances: Any action/thriller games.

If you are expecting that the zombies I am pertaining to are the zombies who are created by some scientific or in some cases, magical means and they want to chow your brains out. then welcome to the club. But if you are pertaining to some green sleepwalking zombies who just sprouted out of nowhere and attack your house but your house is being guarded by your garden, then I just got two words for you: back off! These zombies are not joke. I even imagine if these brainless/eerie creatures would become real... I mean for real.

Number 12: Donkey Kong

Appearances: Mario series.

This ape has no relation to the King. He is actually the first enemy of Mario, or should I say Jumpman.He is barrel throwing whose main objective is to refrain Jumpman to rescue his girlfriend Pauline. Since then, He became one of Mario's most memorable enemies ever. The only difference about this guy is the fact that He even starred in his own adventure game together with his son. and the rest of this kong's life is history.

Number 11: The Space Invader Aliens

Appearances: Space Invaders.

Before the modern definition of aliens came (yep, those with zap guns and wanted to suck our brains for their gain.) this little creature ruled out first. Making the player nerve with their well synchronized formation and as long they descend upon the player faster, it even makes the player pee in their pants. Small yet scary it is.

Number 10: Wario

Appearances: Mario series.

If Superman has Bizarro, Iron man has Iron patriot, then Mario has... Wario. Yep, It's like Mario but the M has made his 180 degree turn and became W. Just like my explanation. Wario is an exact opposite of Mario. A villain turning the Mario land into Wario land and he also convinced that Mario is the bad guy. Wario also has a thin brother, by the name of Waluigi. Whatever Mario has, Wario has the opposite.

Number 9: Zeus

Appearances: God Of War series

Who would have thought that this Supreme greek god would be the final test for Kratos for him to prove that he deserves to be the new God Of War. With the things he done just to dethrone his son. I have no words to describe...

Number 8: The Nazis

Appearances: Every game that has the WWII theme in it.

The real villains of World War II has become the villains of every game they are in to. Nuff said.

Number 7: Nemesis

Appearance: Resident Evil 3

Among the zombies, He has a little intellect. Being able to follow it's master's orders, from killing all the S.T.A.R.S. members up to total domination. Specially with the likes of Jill Valentine. Oh, Without that kind of Intellect, His bazooka that he is holding at? He would just blast himself for he does not know what's the use of that fire arm. I tell you.

Number 6: Dracula

Appearances: Castlevania series

The classic vampire created by Bram Stoker is also the ultimate boss inside his eerie castle. But before you would be able to face the old drac. you must face some zombies, blood sucking bats, demons, unidentified creatures... All of them are inside in his castle. Little factoid, though, The first time I played this game, I got scared and terrified for the fact that at the full moon, his castle would come out.

Number 5: The Insane Clown Posse (Joker and Kefka Palazzo)

Appearances: Batman series, Specially Batman: Arkham Asylum (Joker), Final Fantasy, Dissidia (Kefka Palazzo)

Indeed, Clowns makes us laugh by making practical jokes, pranking etc. But, If a clown has lost it's sanity, now that is where we must worry and run for our lives. For these clowns (by the way, they don't collaborated... yet. So let's put our fingers cross that it never happen), Both of them are sinister beings, lost their sanity through some circumstances, and the worst part of them is...They wore insane make-ups. Ick!

Number 4: M.Bison

Appearances: Street Fighter series

The leader of the crime organization named Shadaloo, The maniac who uses psycho-power, The one who created Shadow and Shadow lady. and Finally, the reason why you want to go to your local arcade station just to beat the hell of this general red-with-a-winged-skull-on-his-hat. Surely, kid's from the 90's will sure remember how fun is that kind of game.

Number 3: Albert Wesker

Appearances: Resident Evil series.

There is a Zombie invasion in your town. Everyone was eaten by those ferocious beasts. But Luckily, One of the humans survive. May be he knows how to survive that kind of disaster... or He IS really the man behind this invasion. Yep.Albert Wesker is the name you can trust with regards to Zombies... And believe me. Chris Reidfield really had a hard time beating this guy. Oh by the way, If you want to beat this guy, he simply beat you barehanded.

Number 2: Arthas/ Lich King

Appearances: World of Warcraft series

Who says that Good guys cannot be turned into bad guys? Arthas is one of the examples of this kind of conversion. Once a noble knight protecting his people. He went to the dark side when he fell to the power of the scourge and voila, He is now the new Lich King, leading the new Scourge.

Number 1: Sephiroth

Appearances: Final Fantasy series.

The Ultimate bad guy, the ultimate fighter, the ultimate soldier, the ultimate... words are not enough to describe this guy. One of the Iconic villains in Final Fantasy, He is known as a physically strong swordsman and and a skillful magician, no wonder Cloud Strife had a difficult time. My head's starting to get overload I don't know how to end this.

P.S. Read the title again.

Yep, In my opinion, IGN didn't include some of the greatest villains that I adore the most. so here are some of them

The Scourge

Appearances: Defense Of The Ancients

Technically, they are not considered as a video game villains. They are just a bunch of heroes that opposes the Sentinels. But with their dark persona, malicious origins and dark skills and magics, they are suitable enough to be the villains of this strategy game.


Appearances: Soul series

well, Finally I have done it. hope you enjoy reading this one.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Albert Wesker: The Demi-god of Video Games.

This is a sequel article regarding my first post.

The game Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has a lot of thing to offer: The Graphics is great; the combination of 3D and 2D is simply flawless. The background theme is so eargasmic; I even have the Albert Wesker theme in my iPod and I love to listen to it every time I am on my way to school. and lastly, the characters per se. There are some characters who made their comeback on Marvel's side (Examples are Spiderman, Wolverine, Doctor Doom, Iron Man, Captain America. etc.) and also on Capcom's side (Ex. Ryu, Chun-Li, Morrigan, Felicia, Akuma, Tron Bonne, etc). But the most interesting part of this game is there are some character, who made their debut, made my jaw drop for I didn't expected them to be part of the game but because of some remarks and reviews about these heroes (and villains), I tried some of them and I must say, they have their rights to join this game.

One of them is this dog.

(Her name... Is not Amaterasu. Just kidding!)

Amaterasu (or Ammy, according to Issun.) is one of the new comers in this game. She may be the only one who stands with four feet (not in height) but she is a quick and agile hero.Her attacks are quick and strong. Below is her trailer video

Other new comers are as follows: Chris Reidfield, who uses different firearms, Nathan "Rad" Spencer and his bionic arm, Super-Skrull, who is equipped with the four powers of Fantastic Four. The flint-locking and Sword wielding Dante from Devil May Cry series makes his debut. Some of the Marvel villains makes their debut as well, aside from Super-Skrull. Dormmamu uses dark magic for him to take advantage to his opponents, M.O.D.O.K. (Mental Organism Developed Only for Killing) "outsmarts" his enemies with his large head but small limbs.

These character made me amaze by this game. but there is this one particular character who does not need any god-like power, mutant ability, dark magics, even swords and guns. He made my jaw drop because He is using his bare hands just to defeat the enemies. He even share the ranks of the top villain in Marvel side Doctor Doom. He also made his fighting debut in this game and I must say, ever since I played this game, it's impossible to him not to be included in my team. He is the demi-god of this game and maybe in the video games realm. He is...



An Intelligent, Cunning, Manipulative, and to top that, a Genius he is, Albert Wesker is the main antagonist of the Resident Evil Series. He started as a support character helping out Lisa Trevor in the first Resident Evil. Because of some certain situation, He was "killed". He re-surfaced in the second installment and revealed that He survived by injecting an unusual type of virus called the Tyrant type virus. From there, he gained a lot of "benefits": super-strength, agility, improved regeneration, and a red cat-like eyes in which he garnered fame among players.

other informations can be found in this site.

Now, As I said earlier, there are some character who have their debut in this game made my jaw drop. and one of them is Albert Wesker. Though his only weapon is his handgun, the Samurai Edge, his hand-to-hand combat should not be underestimated. His martial arts skill is just his appetizer, for his agility and swift moves are one of the reasons I always use this Demi-God. 

Here is one of the fan-made video combos for Albert. This might give you a clue why I love this guy.

As what He said in his last Resident Evil appearance

"Seven minutes, Seven minutes is all I can spare to play with you."

but with this Article, I think it would only take a minute or two just to read this.

Goodbye for now.

Friday 13 January 2012

Get Ready to Brawl... FIGHT!


One day, Ryu is having his long journey (again) when suddenly, Wolverine appeared and attacked the wandering warrior. Meanwhile, Chris Reidfield is raiding the Tricell Laboratory, catching Albert Wesker there. Wesker, being a cunning and intelligent human being he is, summons his ally M.O.D.O.K to have a 2-on-1 handicap match. An interference occur as the metal briefcase of Wesker suddenly destroyed by the master of magnetism himself, Magneto. But Chris is not alone, X-23 and Arthur arrived to help Chris. Magneto quickly halted the metal clawed girl and the metal armored knight by unleashing his "Magnetic repulsion". In the parallel dimension, Doctor Doom is creating havoc at the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Helicarrier. Chun-Li arrived and tried to halt Doom, but Super-Skrull stretched out his arm and attacked Chun-Li's Helicopter. Several super heroes arrived to aid her such as Captain America, Iron-man, Morrigan, Spider Man, Trish, Tron Bonne, and many more. Chaos happens here and there and everywhere in this world. Wait, I didn't mean one world here, but two worlds, namely The Marvel superheroes world and the Capcom world. and I am not narrating an epic. For this is the Plot of one of the greatest cross-over games in the history of gaming world. This is...

After 10 years of waiting, Capcom, the ones who gave you X-men vs. Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom, and successful anscestor, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, has unleashed the undoubtedly the most awaited cross-over fighting game in the history of fighting games. Gamers have waited at least a decade just to play this game, and fortunately, their waited has paid a price.

(Dante swinging his sword, but misses, Spidey jumps to avoid the rebellion. All I can say is WOW!)

The game still follows it's ancestor's three-on-three fighting system. you tag, your partner will make a save. But unlike it's ancestor, there are a lot of changes made in this game. Here are as follows:

First Argument: The game is now in 3D. yes. 3D. as in height, width and even it's depth.

Second Argument: Some of the veteran characters has returned to this latest franchise. Along with some new characters that you would not expect to see.

Above are the characters in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. here as follows (Left to right, Up to down.)

1.) Albert Wesker (Resident Evil series)? ^_^
2.) Chris Reidfield (Resident Evil Series)?
3.) Doctor Doom (Fantastic four, other Marvel comics.)*
4.) Dormammu (Strange tales series.)?
5.) Akuma (Street Fighter series.)*
6.) Tron Bonne (Mega Man series.)*
7.) Zero (Mega Man series)?
8.) Super-Skrull (Fantastic Four, other Marvel Comics.)? ^_^
9.) M.O.D.O.K. (Tales of suspense series.)?
10.) Taskmaster (Avengers, other Marvel Comics.)? ^_^
11.) Crimson Viper (Street Fighter 4)?
12.) Chun-Li (Street Fighter series.)*
13.) Ryu (Street Fighter series)*
14.) Captain America (Avengers.)*
15.) Thor (Avengers)?
16.) Iron man (Avengers, Tales of Suspense)* ^_^
17.) Trish (Devil May Cry series)?
18.) Dante (Devil May Cry series)? ^_^
19.) Galactus (Fantastic Four, other Marvel comics.)#
20.) Spiderman (Avengers)*
21.) Storm (X-Men)*
22.) Amaterasu (Okami)? ^_^
23.) Nathan "Rad" Spencer (Bionic Commando)?
24.) Viewtiful Joe (Viewtiful Joe)?
25.) Wolverine (X-Men series)*
26.) Deadpool (X-Force)?
27.) Magneto (X-Men series)*
28.) Hsien-Ko (Darkstalkers series)?
29.) Morrigan (Darkstalkers series)*
30.) Felicia (Darkstalkers series)*
31.) X-23 (X-Men series)?
32.) Phoeniz (X-Men series)?
33.) Magneto (X-Men Series)*
34.) Arthur (Ghost and Goblins series)**
35.) Mike Haggar (Final Fight series)?
36.) Hulk (Tales of Suspense, Avengers)*
37.) She-Hulk (Tales of Suspense, Avengers)?
38.) Jill Valentine (Resident Evil series)*
39.) Shuma-Gorath (Strange Tales series)*

*- Veteran
?- New character
**-Veteran, served as an assist hero
#- unplayable, final boss.
^_^- Personal favorite heroes.

Each character reprises their costumes depending on what games or comics are in to. For example, Storm is wearing her Ultimate series costume. others retain their original costumes from the original Vs. series, For example, Magneto, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Captain America, and Doctor Doom reprises their costume from the last franchise.

3.) Another thing is what I would like to call "Exchange". Where in a character would switch to another character during an air combo for a longer combo execution. Imagine how many "Hits" will be landed upon your opponents.

4.) This game also has the "X-Factor" feature. It does have nothing to do with Simon Cowell. This feature, when activated, will give you faster movement and attack speed, at the same time, greater damage and faster regeneration. This may help you in a situation when you are really in a difficult situation.

Overall. The game is great. specially for those who waited for years just to play the latest installment of this game. I, as a blogger/gamer personally tested and played it for how many times and all I can say is wow, It deserves a round of applause/Standing ovation.

Here are some of screen shots of this game:

(Wolverine's claws never got rusted.)

(Good girl Ammy, Good girl!)

(Iron Man's not afraid to let his armor damaged by Hsien-Ko's bomb.)

(As What Spidey would say, YOU SUCK!)